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FRIO Duo Insulin Cooling Case

Price Range $39.95 Original Price
Current Price



Product Features:

  • Keeps insulin cool and safe
  • The FRIO is an evaporative cooler that does not require ice packs or refrigeration
  • Simply activate with cold water
  • Medications stay cool for more than 2 days
  • Reusable
  • Lightweight and compact
  • Consists of 2 parts: outer cover and inner pouch
  • Cambrelle outer cover
  • Poly/cotton inner pouch made of poly/cotton with panels containing crystals, which are non-toxic and non-flammable
  • Do not carry or store in an airtight or waterproof container when activated - FRIOs need to breathe
  • Suitable for carrying up to 2 medication pens or 2 vials
  • See Product Details and More Info for additional information
Size: 7 1/4" x 3 1/4"
Weight: 1 oz
Materials: Polyamide Nylon, Velcro, crystals (sodium polyacrylate)

Item Details

Our insulin cooling and insulating case makes it easy to travel with temperature-sensitive medicines-- no ice packs or refrigeration required! Simply immerse the inner pouch in cold water, dry it and go. Medications stay cool for over two days. Just soak again in cold water to reactivate. Also provides insulation against the cold of winter, which is important as insulin will loose potency if frozen. Tucks easily into any purse or day bag. Ideal for either two vials (with syringes) or two insulin pens.

The FRIO Regular Insulin Cooling Case is designed so that diabetics can pack their medications and carry them without refrigeration when they travel. Lightweight and compact, it is re-usable and designed to keep insulin within acceptable temperature limits for several days before it needs to be reactivated.

More Info

How long is In-use Insulin safe in a FRIO®?

28 days (one month) - this is the life of most* in-use insulin.

*Check your manufacturer's information leaflet for your specific medication, noting that Novo Nordisk states 6 weeks for some brands but it is essential that you check the leaflet.

Please read the full explanation below:

The FRIO® travel wallet is an evaporative cooling unit, purposely designed to keep in-use insulin cool within safe temperatures of 18-26°C (64.4-78.8°F) for 45 hours minimum, even in a constant environmental temperature of 37.8°C (100°F).

The wallet can be 're-activated'/'topped-up' to provide continuous safe storage conditions for subsequent periods of 45 hours minimum for up to 28 days (one month).

Note: 28 days (one month) is the life of in-use insulin. The wallet is re-useable.

Note: insulin must be at the manufacturer's recommended temperature before being placed in the FRIO® wallet. Please check the manufacturer's information leaflet for your specific medication.

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